This page provides COVID-19 related sources, including links to Executive Orders, vaccine information, guidance for re-openings, media pieces, surveys of metropolitan city officials relating to COVID needs and other information and resources. The page is regularly updated. Bookmark this page and follow the Metro Cities twitter account and newsletter for the latest information.
Federal American Rescue Plan
Compliance and Reporting Guidance - Dept. of the Treasury Interim Rule - Dept. of the Treasury Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds - Dept. of the Treasury ARP Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Distribution Report Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund FAQ Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund - USDT
Vaccine Information and Guidance
Vaccine Connector MDH Vaccine Information, Data, Guidance CDC Vaccine Information
Executive Orders, State Information and Guidance
Executive Orders from Governor Walz
Federal CARES Act and Coronavirus Relief Fund
Updated Federal FAQ - Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) Coronavirus Relief Fund FAQ CRF Guidance for State, Territorial, Local, and Tribal Governments