Metro Cities News 1/26/24


In This Issue:


Opening on Transportation Advisory Board (TAB)

Metro Cities is accepting applications to fill an opening on the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB).

The TAB qualifies the region for federal transportation funds and is a participant in processes for transportation planning and funding in the metropolitan region. Municipal appointees to the TAB must be elected officials. Metro Cities guidelines place a high priority on appointment balance with respect to geography and city size. There are no term limits, but members must meet attendance requirements to qualify for reappointment, as well as have a background and interest in transportation issues. Guidelines also give preference to those who agree to serve on Metro Cities’ Transportation Policy Committee.
The deadline to apply is Wednesday, February 7, 2024. Interested candidates should submit a completed questionnaire, letter of interest and resume to Jennifer Dorn at [email protected].

Please contact Patricia Nauman at [email protected], or Mike Lund, at [email protected] with any questions.


Adult-Use Cannabis Updates

The Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, January 30 from 5PM-6PM where they will provide updates on the implementation of legislation passed in 2023, ongoing rulemaking work, community outreach efforts, and more. The OCM plans to provide an overview of their plans for the beginning of 2024. Registration is required, click HERE to register. A recording of the webinar will be posted afterwards on the OCM website. Speakers will include OCM Interim Director Charlene Briner, Dept. of Human Services Rulemaking Attorney Vanessa Vogl, and OCM Outreach Director Merone Melekin.

The OCM released its fifth public input survey as part of its rulemaking engagement as it begins drafting rules for Minnesota’s adult-use cannabis industry. The latest survey covers licensing and social equity considerations. The deadline to provide input on these topics is today, January 26, 2024. Click HERE to access the survey. Future surveys are planned for topics such as laboratory standards, edible product standards, and medical cannabis. Click HERE to view the OCM’s Rulemaking Overview page where you can see more details on upcoming surveys and sign up for rulemaking email alerts.

Finally, the OCM released its annual report to the Legislature on January 16. The report provides status updates on the industry, the illicit market, and other areas required by statute. The report also includes legislative recommendations which include improving the application and licensing process and strengthening social equity licenses, among others. Click HERE to view the 2024 OCM Report.

Contact Mike Lund at [email protected] or 651-215-4003 with any questions.


Metropolitan Council Governance Task Force Update

The Metropolitan Governance Task Force, created by the 2023 Legislature, met on Wednesday morning. This week’s meeting began with a series of motions and votes by task force members on proposed principles to include in the group’s final report. These principles were adopted (with some amendments), and include concepts such as proportionality, accountability, transparency, and collaboration. The remainder of the meeting was spent with presentations and discussions of various governance proposals from members. These written proposals can be viewed on the Legislative Coordinating Commission’s web page for the Metropolitan Governance Task Force. The group ultimately passed a motion to include all proposed governance reforms in the final report, as no consensus was reached for any one model. A final draft report is expected by Wednesday, January 31. The task force’s final meeting will take place on February 1st. Click HERE for a recording of this week’s task force meeting.

Cumulative Impacts Co-Learning Community Conversation

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) is hosting the first of several virtual conversations on the implementation of the new cumulative impacts law. The first meeting will be held on January 30, 2024 from 1PM to 2:30PM. The Zoom meeting will feature three panelists who will speak about cumulative impacts programs from around the country and what lessons they have learned so far.

Panelists will include:

  • Kandyce Perry, Director of the Office of Environmental Justice in New Jersey
  • Dr. Esther Min, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences from the University of Washington School of Public Health
  • Dr. Ana Baptista, Associate Professor of Professional Practice in the Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management graduate program, Co-Director of the Tishman Environment & Design Center (TEDC) in New Jersey

If you cannot attend this virtual meeting, it will be recorded and posted for reference after the 30th. Click HERE to join the virtual meeting and HERE to learn more about the new cumulative impacts law.

Contact Mike Lund at [email protected] or 651-215-4003 with any questions.

Brownfield Funding Webinar in February

The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) will be cohosting a webinar with the Metropolitan Council, and Ramsey and Hennepin counties about local public grants and loans available to support the cost of cleaning up contaminated sites. The grants can be used to clean up a variety of different contaminations and some hazardous materials. Cities, counties, economic development, housing and redevelopment, port authorities, and tribes in some cases, are eligible to apply. There will be over $8 million in funding available this spring.
The webinar will be held on Tuesday, February 27th at 12:00 pm. You can register for the webinar HERE.



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